Unified Communications Contact Center features | CRM Communications Software features


  • Multiple campaign types to address different scenarios
  • Differing dialing technologies supported
  • Inbound , Outbound and API integerated Dynamic Call Center
  • Campaign and call Scheduling
  • Multi tenant and white label branding
  • AMD, local DNC and Global DNC filtering support
  • Disclaimer / Opt-out / Unsubscribe IVR (Add to DNC)
  • CRM Integration
  • AI & Business Automation
  • Social media integration

Omnichannel communication:

  • contact center features
  • whatsapp chat support
  • chat messaging support
  • agent & whatsapp communication permissions for tenant
  • upload document and videos support in whatsapp and messaging chat


  • agent to agent collaboration/communication
  • agent group chat support
  • Add event calender support
  • create projects
  • project progress support (in progress, done .e.t.c)
  • Task automations
  • Builtin crm integration

CRM Operations:

  • Leads group module
  • add leads
  • leads management
  • Contact center support
  • sales automations
  • sales tracking through invoices
  • quotes module
  • Company module
  • product sales automation

Voice Communications


  • IVR Studio to design custom IVR using drag and drop tools
  • Multibranch IVR Designs
  • Custom tokens support
  • TTS , AMD and DNC support
  • DTMF, Time condition and Menu support

Integration Campaign

  • 3rd party API integration
  • Trigger on user response
  • Push call results

IVR Campaign

  • IVR Studio with drag n drop support
  • Inbound and Outbound Campaigns
  • Remote party API
  • Conditional Flow
  • Customize TTS Message (Using Contact Tokens)
  • Multiple TTS Engines are supported
  • Festival
  • Swift (Cepstral Voice)
  • Google TTS
  • LumenVox TTS

Dialing Methods / Technologies

  • Interactive or Press one campaign
  • Power dialing
  • Preview dialing
  • Progressive dialing
  • Call Queues / Skill groups for Automatic Call Distribution
  • Callback/remote extensions i.e extension forwarding (external queues)
  • Configure a dialing pace for external extensions/queues

Channel Throttling

  • User or per campaign based channel control
  • Channel allocation to the user according to account balance
  • Up/Down arrows to control campaign channels in real-time
  • Concurrent channels and CPS limit for trunks
  • Overall and per node channel limits

Private Branch Exchange (PBX)

  • Inbound DIDs
  • Inbound and Outbound Trunks
  • LCR routes, prefixes
  • Prepaid style billing for outbound calls
  • Outbound and Internal calling for an extension
  • Forwarding inbound calls to extensions
  • Inbound or internal calls can be forwarded to the following application.
  • IVR
  • Recordings Studio
  • Add to DNC list
  • Forward to extension

Interactive Voice Response

  • IVR branching based on user input or status of the last application
  • Common call application like Answer and Hangup
  • Applications to play recordings or get user input
  • Answering Machine Detection, and add to don’t call list application
  • Variable, and time-based conditions
  • Applications to spell out or pronounce date, time, and digits
  • Text to Speech application with custom fields/tokens
  • Application to transfer the call or start recording
  • DTMF and Delay support to traverse through remove IVR menus
  • CallerID related applications
  • Integration application to invoke third-party APIs

Law Compliance

  • Global and user-specific DNC Lists
  • Time restrictions
  • CallerID enforcement
  • Campaign scheduling
  • Enforced Disclaimer, Opt-out, Unsubscribe option or Do Not Call Safe Harbor
  • Call recording
  • Channel Throttling or Dialing predicatively for FTC compliance


  • Quick campaign launch, i.e one-page campaign
  • Reusable resources i.e campaign, recordings, IVR designs, and other types of messages
  • Record voice messages over phone call
  • Dynamic report base on date range
  • Search and data filtration, and sorting options

Bulk Operations

  • Import / Export Contacts using XLS or CSV
  • Export Campaign results
  • Export CDRs
  • Custom CSV import support
  • Import / Export Routes / Rates using CSV

Contact Management

  • Unified contacts
  • Custom Contact Fields
  • Option to introduce additional/extra contact fields
  • Dedicated fields to hold contact status and disposition
  • Retry/Reattempt failed campaign contacts
  • Use Secondary and Territory contact as alternative on retries
  • Schedule and expiry features for campaign contacts
  • Contact Group / Multiple Group support
  • Generate new contact groups or launch new campaigns from existing campaign results
  • Duplicate contact filtration
  • Import / export Contacts using CSV
  • Custom CSV files are supported

Feed from External Data Sources

  • Link contact groups to external databases
  • Fetch updated contacts in real-time

CNAM, HLR Lookup

  • HLR Lookup to fetch extra contact information
  • Contact filtration based on CNAM / HLR data

Message / Media Management

  • Survey Designer
  • IVR Designer
  • Appointment Message Designer
  • IVR/Call based Recording studio
  • GUI based recording management
  • Create recording from texts.
  • Option to play and download recordings
  • Create Email templates using HTML
  • Customize SMS and email templates via tokens
  • Multiple Quality options for Fax
  • Option to view and download the fax documents.

Live Monitoring

  • Live Campaign progress
  • Active call list
  • Queue and Agent Statistics
  • System statistics


  • Summary and detail reports for campaigns
  • Complete log of call activity
  • Report filtration options like success, failed, and failure reason
  • Billing / CDR Reports
  • Separate report for each type of campaign
  • Print or Export reports to CSV files
  • Client input / DTMF logging and reporting
  • Call Recordings and media reports
  • Generate custom report using date range


  • WHMCS licensing integrated module
  • Rest APIs for Contact and Campaigns Management
  • Rest APIs for Provisioning and user management
  • Rest APIs for User System Management
  • Push Call Status
  • 3rd party SOAP and REST APIs integration in IVR
  • Integration campaign
  • JWT Token or username/password based authentication for APIs

Call Center

  • Inbound / Outbound Dialing
  • Agent panel / dashboard
  • Live agents and Agent presence
  • WebRTC based Web phone
  • Agent scripts / Dialogue
  • Remote CallerID for agents
  • CRM Integration / Call Popup
  • Attended and blind call transfer
  • Live statistics for agents and queues
  • Agent Supervision, listen or barge into live calls
  • Call recordings
  • Call Queues / Skill groups and Music on hold
  • Agent performance reports
  • Agent Evaluation
  • Automated call flagging
  • Evaluation forms
  • Agent Evaluation reports

Campaign Management

  • Multiple campaign support
  • Quick campaign launch, i.e one-page campaign
  • Custom CallerID, or Anonymous CallerID support for each campaign
  • Pause / Resume or forcefully complete a campaign
  • Weekly or Monthly schedule support for campaigns
  • Live campaign progress monitoring, and real-time channel control
  • Option to re-launch an already completed campaign
  • Support to launch new campaign straight from the filtered result of the existing campaign

Agent Operations

  • Presence setting for the agent can select a reason for the break
  • Option to Leave/Join a specific campaign
  • Basic phone functionality like, answer, hold, and hangup calls
  • CallerID and Contact related information on the screen
  • Fetch and display contact data from an external source via popup
  • Ability to transfer calls with customer data
  • Activate call recording
  • Dynamically generated script to read for agents
  • WrapUp time between calls to update client status
  • Click to Dial from Contact List
  • Manual outbound dialing
  • Power dialing modes
  • Progressive Dialing
  • Preview Dialing

Call Operations

  • Basic phone functionality like, answer, hold, and hangup calls
  • Ability to transfer calls to the supervisor or other agents
  • Activate/Deactivate Call recording using DTMF
  • Automated Interactions to assist agents during live calls
  • Drop/play recordings for the client
  • Redirect the client to Agent Rating application
  • Redirect the client to IVR
  • Redirect to appointment confirmation
  • Call Disposition
  • Contact update
  • Status update
  • Reschedule Callback

Call Center Supervision

  • Force a Call to hangup
  • Call Spying, Whisper, and Barge options
  • Live Agent Monitoring
  • Agent statistics
  • Force logout agents

Performance and Scalability

  • Scalable to thousands of concurrent channels
  • Database Load balancing to address heavy load
  • Table partitioning to address large data sets
  • Campaign Load balancing for Voice traffic


  • Multi Language interface
  • User specific timezone
  • Unicode support
  • Ready for international A-Z routing / Dialing


  • Comprehensive permission and role management
  • Protection against DDoS and Brute-force attacks
  • Built-in Firewall
  • Best Security practices

MultiTenant Support

  • User Resource isolation
  • Authorized access to user data
  • Dialplan isolation, the extension can’t be accessed by other tenants
  • DID assignment to users


  • User management
  • User Credit and Payments
  • Login as user option for admins
  • Enforce concurrent channel limit on users
  • Create dedicated or shared trunks for users
  • Create queues and extensions for users
  • Enforce specific CallerID or limit the user to only assigned DIDs
  • Day / Time-slot restriction on per user basis

ITSP Features

  • MultiTenant Support
  • Prepaid Billing
  • Rate and Routing support
  • OCN based routing for ported numbers
  • Multiple rate plans
  • Comprehensive permission and role management
  • Quota allocation for extensions, free minutes, etc…
  • Packages and subscription system
  • Enable/disable Feature, Resources accordingly to packages/roles
  • Payment history and CDR Reports

Backend Technologies

  • Asterisk, Kannel, and Sendmail as communication gateways
  • Corosync, Pacemaker, and RabbitMQ for fail-over and load-balancing
  • Monit, Collectd or TeleGraf for system monitoring
  • Linux (CentOs 7), Apache, MySQL, and PHP

Supported Protocols

  • E1/T1 and PSTN via TDM cards
  • SIP, IAX and T.38 for voice and fax communication
  • SMPP, SMTP, XMPP, and Jabber protocols for SMS, Email, and Instant Messaging
  • WSS/Web-sockets, WebRTC for Web-based agents
  • REST and SOAP for the API interface


  • On-premises setup
  • Lifetime licensing
  • Own termination SIP or PSTN, E1/T1 or other
  • Open Source (with few compiled files)
  • White label / Branding


  • System settings to customize various system aspects
  • Admin can set system limits and defaults
  • Campaign defaults are configurable, which also can be overridden by users
  • Extension and Feature code added into the configuration, also new feature code created to toggle agent status

Personalization and Globalization

  • User has seperate web portal to manage his data and campaigns
  • User is able to choice his country, language and timezone
  • Mulltiple theme support and theme selection support for users


  • Free installation
  • Free initial support
  • Live chat, Email and Phone based support
  • Easy to upgrade or get security fixes
  • User and Admin guides
  • On demand and yearly support packages
  • Customization and Development support
  • Free bug fix and security updates


  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited extensions / agents
  • Unlimited campaigns
  • Unlimited contacts and calls
  • Lifetime License
  • License up-gradation by paying only the difference