ICTContact has significantly inlcude its built-in CRM operations with a variety of new features aimed at streamlining and improving business processes. The newly inclusion include comprehensive management of leads and lead groups, facilitating targeted and efficient customer campaign. ICTContat offers product management modules capabilities allows users/clients to seamlessly track product details, pricing, and inventory. Furthermore, the enhanced company’s features ensure businesses can maintain detailed records and cultivate stronger client relationships. The addition of sales invoices and quotes directly within the CRM further simplifies the sales process and enhances financial management. These improvements position ICTContact as a robust solution for optimizing communication strategies and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Followings are the advanced crm features offered by ICTContact advance contact center & omnichannel communication software:

1)Leads Management:

In ICTContact lead will be a basically a potential customer or prospect who has expressed interest in a company’s product or service but is not yet a customer. Leads can be individuals or companies.

ICTContact allows users to manage leads and lead groups. Leads can be grouped together into a Lead group. User can also manage regions, countries, and destinations for call termination to a particular lead group of leads.

Users can create leads easily with user-friendly interface in ICTContact. User will add required information and also select company under which leads created and then select the lead group. ICTContact allows user to select the status of leads such as in progress, processed and junk leads.

Lead Groups:

Leads groups are collections of potential customers organized based on similar traits or behaviors. This helps businesses target and manage their leads more effectively. Lead groups allow for more personalized communication strategies, enhancing customer engagement and conversion rates.

In ICTContact Built-in CRM feature Lead group acts a container for contacts of a particular domain. Campaigns in ICTContact also dials leads from a particular leads group that is selected at the time of campaign creation.

ICTContact allows user to import leads via csv files, standard file and user can copy leads from other groups if he needs instead of creating leads one by one and add into group lead group.

DNC Leads:

ICTContact features another advance feature that is known as DNC Leads. This is powerful feature that allows users to includes specific leads into DNC list to which he not want to contact and receive any call and information. This feature ensures that no one on the DNC list will be reached out to, even if they are part of an ongoing campaign. ICTContact Allowed users to select User DNC group or Global DNC group. If user add specific lead to user DNC list so in his campaign this lead will not dialed/reached. But if user will select Global DNC List then all other users also cannot access/dialed this lead.

ICTContact Also give option of import and export DNC list for users.

Deals Management:

The process of working with deals is called deal or opportunity management. ICTContact features Deals feature in its Built-in CRM funcationality that come with custom deal stages, which will help clients to visualize sales pipeline and to estimate future revenues. ICTContact provided various deal stages for clients such as in progress, new, create papers, deal won, deal lost that will help clients to visualize and finalized their sales and estimates generated revenue.

ICTContact Advanced CRM systems let clients/users to create quotes and invoices directly from deals.


Company is a CRM Feature that contains detailed information about a company. The company can be your client, a supplier or a partner.

ICTContact also offers company module in its CRM features. In ICTContact company module is also important features that allows client/user to create deal under the company it means user will has to create company first then he will able to add lead under this company. Same like leads, deal also will be offered or create under the company otherwise user/client will not offer deals. With ICTContact company feature clients will keep and create their supplier data under company.

Product Module:

ICTContact allow users to add their products and service to their products through its advance products module. In ICTContact user can add their product by entering required information such as product name, product type, currency and product visibility.

ICTContact also allows user to import their products via csv files.

Sales Quotes:

Generate and manage sales quotes directly within ICTContact. Simplify the quoting process, maintain accuracy, and ensure a professional approach to client proposals.

In ICTContact user/admin can create sale quotes. User will select company for which he has to creating quotes. User can also select quotes stages such as completed, in progress, sent to client. User also has to select product for quote.

Sales Invoice:

The sales invoice feature in ICTContact is designed to streamline the invoicing process, making it simple and efficient for users to manage their sales transactions.

ICTContact allows user to create sales invoice by entering required information such as invoice number, company, select source such as lead, contact deal, select added product.

In ICTContact user/client will also able to view invoice, download invoice, and download as pdf. sales invoice feature in ICTContact enhances the efficiency of financial operations by providing a user-friendly interface to create, manage, and track invoices.


The latest update to ICTContact significantly enhances its built-in CRM operations, introducing vital features such as leads, lead groups, products, companies, contacts, sales invoices, and quotes. These additions provide a comprehensive solution for managing customer relationships and sales processes within a single platform. Users can now efficiently organize and track leads, categorize them into groups, manage product information, maintain detailed company and contact records, and handle sales invoicing and quoting seamlessly.

If you are looking for a simple and powerful tool to help you manage your business automations consider ICTContact built-in CRM. With over various sales and marketing tools on board, ICTContact is a perfect CRM system for any business.