ICTContact support a verity of ways to configure CallerID fortelemarketing campaigns, It support personal callerid per user wise, general callerid system wise random callerid from list of numbers, sequential callerid from list of numbers and it also support DID based CallerID support .

Caller ID is the number that appears when a call is received by recipient . while running telemarketing campaigns through ICTContact, admin assign a unique DID to each user for inbound campaigns and said DID numbers can be used as CallerID.

When a call center receives an Inbound call, Caller ID is used to identify the caller by matching their phone number to information in the call center software database and integrated CRM. Once this caller has been identified and relevant information about the caller has been acquired, the call is routed to the most appropriate Agent based on this information.

Caller ID can be assigned in :





View Custom Caller ID with Personalized Name for details on Custom Caller ID.